"Si no puedes explicarlo de forma sencilla, no lo entiendes lo suficientemente bien" (Albert Einstein)


"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" (Albert Einstein)

Consulting services

Before designing and constructing any infrastructure project, it is necessary to assess the ground conditions. The geotechnical study serves to identify these conditions, especially those that must be taken into account when designing the foundations, excavations and stabilisation works associated with these projects. This is why an early understanding of subsoil conditions can be cost-effective in design and construction, avoiding cost overruns and delays, and minimising project risks.


Based on over 17 years of experience in research, contracting and consulting, I am able to offer services associated with the full spectrum of geotechnical engineering activities to provide practical, cost-effective and innovative geotechnical solutions.

Understanding the client is critical when unforeseen ground conditions cause complications and delays. Hence the importance of providing comprehensive, cost-effective and sustainable geotechnical solutions that enable the client to achieve their goals and meet the needs of the project.


Basic geotechnical consultancy services:

  • Informes Geotécnicos Interpretativos.
  • Comprobación y revisión de diseños geotécnicos de terceros.
  • Diseño geotécnico de cimentaciones superficiales y profundas.
  • Diseño de micropilotes.
  • Soluciones de mejoramiento de terreno.
  • Diseño de cimentaciones de tanque.

Advanced geotechnical consultancy services:

  • Análisis de interacción suelo-estructura.
  • Diseño de sistemas de soporte de excavaciones profundas en zonas urbanas.
  • Estabilidad de taludes y análisis de flujo.
  • Diseño de muros de contención.
  • Estimación del potencial de licuación.
  • Estudio de amenaza y de respuesta sísmica de sitio.
  • Ingeniería forense.


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