"Si no puedes explicarlo de forma sencilla, no lo entiendes lo suficientemente bien" (Albert Einstein)


"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" (Albert Einstein)

My name is Alvaro Boiero, I am a Civil Engineer and I have a Master degree in Earth Sciences.

I work as a consultant in the area of Geotechnical Engineering, helping my clients to make their projects safe and functional.

I am currently at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia - BARCELONATECH, where I am a PhD candidate in Geotechnical Engineering. Here, I am working on a research related to ground improvement, which encompasses the analysis of shear strength, stiffness, and sustainable development in ground improvement activities.

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Do you want to know more about me?



My mission is the diffusion and teaching of the different topics which are part of Geotechnical Engineering, with special emphasis on its practical applications in the framework of sustainable development, and cost optimization in engineering projects.



My vision is to offer a high-quality training and diffusion platform, characterized by its pragmatism and simplicity, and supported by extensive experience in geotechnical projects.



I believe in excellence, simplicity and practicality.

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